
Integrity Watch Liberia - (IWL)

Who we are

Integrity Watch Liberia is a national civil society organization dedicated to promoting transparent, accountable, equitable and inclusive governance and democracy through public policy reforms that addresses structural barriers to gender equality in political processes, access to justice, rule of law and democratic governance. Founded in 2017, the organization’s core programmes focuses on fiscal transparency issues with emphasis to gender responsive budgeting; rule of law issues with emphasis on access to justice and justice and security institutions accountability; democratic governance with emphasis on policy and democratic reforms, women in political participation, elections, decentralization and service delivery.

Integrity Watch Experience:
Integrity Watch Liberia is a relatively new organization but it maintains broad networks of relationships with political parties, legislators, and governmental policy makers, grass roots organizations including women and youth groups, civil society and private sector actors. Core team members within Integrity Watch has a long history of implementing projects on rule of law and access to justice, women political participation, elections and democracy, fiscal transparency and budget analysis, gender responsive budgeting, decentralization and service delivery. The organization has the capacity and ability to convene high level stakeholders and influence national policies and democratic processes. Integrity Watch programs combine many techniques and strategies, ranging from consultations at the highest levels within the legislature and executive, hands-on interactive training in political organizing for local activists and women. Integrity Watch has developed myriad tools for monitoring and evaluation, community engagement including social audits and community score cards and policy influencing. The organization has strong internal system and process for ensuring financial accountability, trenchancy and effective grant management and reporting. The founder and Executive Director of Integrity Watch Liberia has over 16-years of experience working in civil society and on policy issues. Some of his work include training civil society organizations on Gender Responsive Budgeting, conducting gender analysis of the 2019/2020 national budget, development of shador budget option paper for the 2019/2020 national budget for the Ministry of Finance, advocacy effort leading to the passage of the County and Social Development Fund Bill, supporting women political participation process and electoroal reforms. Our team members have the requsite qualification and expereince to deliver high quality performance and on time.

Our Vision

A Just, equitable, Inclusive and democratic society where the rights of every person is guaranteed and respected.

Our Mission

Working to promote an inclusive development and democratic form of governance where there is gender equity and respect for the rule of law and accountability.

Where we work

We work across the 15 counties of Libeira but with stronger footprints in the southeast, Cape Mount, Grand Bassa, Bong and Lofa Counties.

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