Integrity Watch Liberia Welcomes EU Delegation to New Elections Data Center!-post-image

Integrity Watch Liberia Welcomes EU Delegation to New Elections Data Center!

The Elections data center will be used to track information on campaign finance, abuse of incumbency, electoral corruption, and to track hate speech throughout the campaign period.

IWL has deployed over 30 monitors across the 15 counties in Liberia to collect data during the campaign. The data center will be used to verify and tabulate data collected from field monitors.

Integrity Watch Liberia is committed to upholding the principles of transparency and accountability in Liberia's democratic processes. We invite you to join us in this important endeavor by staying updated on our activities and supporting our mission to empower Liberia's citizens through information and data-driven insights. Together, we can contribute to fair and transparent elections in Liberia.

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