Integrity Watch Liberia(IWL) launches Strengthing Poltiical Accountability Project(SPAP)-post-image

Integrity Watch Liberia(IWL) launches Strengthing Poltiical Accountability Project(SPAP)

Integrity Watch Liberia with funding support from UNDP Liberia Electoral Support Project (LESP), on July 17, 2023, launched the political patties’ campaign finance regulation initiative dubbed “Strengthening Political Accountability Project (SPAP)”.

The project is premised on the backdrop that in Liberia, campaign finance continues to be a gray area for political actors to disclose money spent throughout the electoral campaign and this has created a serious imbalance in the political competition for almost all elections. Reporting on campaign finance is required by law in Liberia. Nevertheless, getting these reports in time, or at all, from political parties and candidates is a challenge.

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