IWL and TJNA Train Lawmakers on Beneficial Ownership
Integrity Watch Liberia (IW-L) in partnership with Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) held a one-day Beneficial Ownership (BO) training for members of the Bi-Partisan Legislative Caucus and Senators of the National Legislature in Buchana, Grand Bassa county on March 11, 2022 at Hotel Buchanan.
The one-day engagement brought together seven Lawmakers, including Senator Numene T. H. Bartekwah- Grand Kru County, Senator Jonathan Sogbie- RiverGee County, Senator Wellington G. V. Smith-Rivercess County, Rep. Francis Doupoe- RiverGee County, Rep. Matthew Zarzar of Sinoe County, Rep. Dorwohn Gleekia – Nimba, Rep. Ivar K. Jones-Margibi County.
The engagement facilitated by TJNA team discussed issues on Beneficial Ownership, Transfer Pricing, Tax Incentives, Fiscal Regime, etc. The Legislative engagement aimed to acquaint Lawmakers with the issues above and get views on how to ensure that concession companies are complient with international best practices standard and ensure citizens and the country benefit meaningfully out of the natural resources. The depletion of natural resources in Africa has remained a serious economic deficit to the continent with many African countries including Liberia though heavily endowed with natural resources remain underdeveloped and greatly impoverished
At the end of the training, Lawmakers requested IWL help in reviewing and analyzing pass concession agreements and to provide similar training for Chiefs of Office Staff of Lawmakers. The Lawmakers also reaffirmed their commitment to working with IWL to generate consensus on concession agreements before acting. They committed themselves to have a collective voice on concessions that will benefit the country and its citizens.